Seven Words

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“I’m sorry” is a feeling.
And it is your feeling. It tells me how you feel, but does not say anything about me. I guess that by you saying “I’m sorry” I should feel mercy for you and for what you did. Is that what you are going for when you say, “I’m sorry?” Don’t get me wrong, you should say “I’m sorry,” but if it stops there, then you have only shared your feelings.

“I won’t do this again” is a promise.
It does not address the past. It addresses the future. It tells me your intentions for the future. I am glad you are planning to do the right thing in the future, but what about the past?

“How can I make things right for you?”
This is the foundation of every real apology. Any so called apology that does not seek to make restitution is exactly that – “a so called apology.” If something you did hurt another, then apologize. Say “I’m sorry.” Promise not to do this again. Let the person know that you are going to make any possible restitution. Let them know! Don’t make them wonder. Granted that there are some occasions where restitution is not possible, but you are going to do everything you can to make all possible amends. Without this, you have not apologized. You have just tried to appease.

For the Godly person, an apology, a real apology, ought to be a natural thing. It involves all three of these elements!



