Seven Words

Begin with a Smile

Wonder Woman Quote: “I am WONDER WOMAN … I wonder where I left my keys, I wonder how I put on weight, I wonder where my money went, I often wonder why I wonder.”


Daily Devotional


Text: 2 Corinthians 3:2

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts,
known and read by everybody.”


My Grandmother’s Translation


The story is told of three men who were arguing about which translation of the Bible is best. The first said, “I love the King James Version. Its language is so beautiful and I have grown up with it. The second said, “I love the NIV because it is so much easier to read and understand.” The third said, “I like my grandmother’s translation best.”


“What?” The others asked, “Your grandmother translated the Bible?”


“Yes, she translated the Bible into her life, and it was the best translation I’ve ever seen.”


Your own translation of the Bible is still the only translation that some people ever read. It is only when we put the word in action in our own lives that it really comes to life. Following of Scripture has the power to lead anther to Godliness. Peter teaches this when he told wives how to reach their faithless husbands who won’t listen to the Scriptures. “They may be won over,” he writes, “without words by the behavior of their wives.” (1 Peter 3:1)


As Christians we must never forget that someone is always watching us. We are “known and read by everybody.”


Lonnie Davis


Bible Question

Jesus had four brothers. What are their names?


Today’s Bible Chapter
is Job 4. To read it click H E R E.


Answer to the Bible Question:

Jesus’ brothers were James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. (Matt 13:55).


