Seven Words

Our scripture today is Ecclesiastes 5:verse 20.

“For a man seldom considers the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with the joy of his heart.”

Imagine if we were fully aware of the tragedies that might await us tomorrow. The weight of that knowledge would make it nearly impossible to enjoy the simple pleasures of today. Instead, God focuses our hearts on the joys of the present moment, sparing us from the paralyzing anxiety of what could happen next.

One author captured this idea, “The hand that veils the future is the hand of mercy.” Indeed, we often believe we want to see what tomorrow holds. We look forward to joyous occasions—a birthday, a family reunion, or a weekend with friends. In His loving-kindness, God keeps us occupied with today’s blessings, sparing us the burden of foreseeing all our tomorrows.

As you consider this verse, add to it, Psalm 118: verse 24, which declares, “This is the day that the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Each day is a gift, a creation of God, and we are invited to find joy in it without the overshadowing fear of what might come.

I’m Lonnie Davis and these are thoughts worth thinking.

