Seven Words

Jesus-weptMany Bible school students when asked to memorize a verse in the Bible choose this verse, John 11:35. They choose it because they recognize this quote as the shortest verse in the Bible.  It would be too bad if all we knew about this verse is that Jesus wept!

Why did He weep?

Jesus did not weep for Lazarus. Lazarus was in God’s hands. His race was over and he had won. This is a cause for joy and not tears.

Jesus did not weep because He missed Lazarus. He knew that He would be with Lazarus in a few short days.


If all of that is true, then why did He weep? Jesus wept because those whom He loved were hurting and He cared for them. Jesus had compassion on others.

·         When Jesus saw people hungry, his heart went out to them. (Matt 15:32).

·         When Jesus saw the sick, he had compassion on them. (Matt 14:14).

·         When Jesus saw the blind, he cared and healed them. (Matt 20:34).

·         When he saw a leper, he felt pity and healed him. (Mark 1:41).

Jesus loved Lazarus. When the disciples made reference to Lazarus, they did not address him as Lazarus, but rather “the one whom you love.” (John 11:3) Jesus could have prevented his death, but Jesus did not come to stop the death of one man, but the death of all mankind.

“Where, O death, is your victory?…Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 15:55-57

As we look back on that day we too ought to weep, because it reminds us that even as Lazarus got up from the grave so too will we. We are not made for here and we are not made for the grave.

Lonnie Davis

