Seven Words

Daily Devotional – We are All Babies

I stood out by my car and looked at my old friend. Only moments before we sat in my room and talked about the old days. I won’t say we were remembering happier days because these are happy days too. I looked back on him, even though I knew it was him, I almost couldn’t recognize him. I wondered if he felt the same as he looked at me. No doubt he did.

This is not a depressing article. It is about life – not life on earth but life wherever we are. If I don’t get around as well as I used to, it is to remind me that I am not made for here. I am made for there. If I prefer comfort to adventure, it is because I am in a different place in the same life. The truth is that we don’t get older, we only move to different places in our lives. I am not old. You are not old. If you are 50, you are not old. If you are 90 you are not old. You are exactly where God wanted you to be.

I think it must be funny to a 4,000 year-old Abraham when any of us complains about being 50, or 40. A 2,000 year old Paul probably can’t wait to challenge us about old age. You may think it strange to speak of 4,000 year old Abraham or 2,000 year old Paul in the present tense, but that is approximately how old they are and they are still alive. I love the fact that there will never be another time when I will cease to be.

When I was a child I thought of eternity as a distance place and a distant time that might be a million years from now. Jesus spoke of eternity as beginning when death happens on earth. (Luke 16:19-31) Paul said he wanted to leave and go be with Jesus. (Phil 1:21-24).

You are not made for here. You are made for there. Any pleasures you might have here are nothing compared with what is yet to be. You are not growing old.

In the number of our eternal years, we are all still babies.

Lonnie Davis

Begin with a Smile

“Mothers are guinea pigs in a scientific experiment to prove that sleep is unnecessary for human existence.”


HeartWord – Psalm 56:3-4
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?”

Reflecting on Today’s Text:

When we truly trust God, we know that in the end there is nothing man can do to us. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matt 20:28). Someday we will all understand that only eternity matters.

Today’s Bible Chapter

Psalm 56.

To read it click H E R E.




Today’s Bible Chapter
is Psalm 56. To read it click H E R E.



