Lonnie's Notes

Seven Words


There are two categories listed below:
(1) Apps and

(2) Websites.

Bible Apps for phones and tablets.

These are mobile applications that you can use on a phone or tablet. To really get good with them, go to youtube and watch some videos which will explain them more fully. You may have some you like better, but these are the ones that I use and enjoy.


1. Olive Tree’s – Bible Study app

If I had to tell you to buy only one app to study your Bible on, it would be this one. They have a free version which has the KJV of the Bible and the JFB commentary. (Jameson-Fausset-Brown). This commentary is old but it is  excellent. You can download the free Easton Bible dictionary to go along with this. You can pick a modern translation to go along with this study tool.

2. Laridian.com – Pocket Bible

I love “PocketBible” by laridian.com. It is easy to use and has many resources available. Most of the resources will cost, but once you own them, you will have them with you everywhere you go!

3. Bible.is

This free app is amazing. It will let you download Bibles to read PLUS it will read to you. This is not done by computerized voice, but rather by professional readers. Sometimes I like to turn on a section of the Bible, lay back in my chair, and let the Bible be read to me.

4. Bible – YouVersion

I confess that I am not a user of this app, but it is free. It has nearly any translation you would want. I mention it here because it is massively popular. I  know it has many functions that I have never used. You might find this very helpful.

5. Bible Pronun

This app will let you look up Bible words and then will pronounce them of you. It doesn’t just give you a printed version of how it should sound, but actually pronounces the word for you. If you are going to read in public, this can help you not fumble over an unfamiliar word.

6. BibleDict

This amazing Bible dictionary lets you look up a word and then see its definition is four different Bible dictionaries – Easton, Smith, Fausset, and Hitchock. It is a cheap but very handy tool.


These next three tools are either websites or based on a website. Use of them is free. The free resources for Bible study that you can get on these websites is better than most serious Bible students had available to theme a mere 15 years ago. Spend some time on these sites and you will be blessed.

1. BibleHub.com

This website has a iOS app that accompanies, but is great when used on the internet. The resources you can use for free on this site is greater than many preachers have in the personal libraries. Don’t overlook this site.

2. Biblegateway.com

This website has many resources, but I especially love the way it reads the Bible to you. You can select the book and chapter and then listen to a wonderful Bible reader.

3. Studylight.org

The Bible commentaries found on this site are very helpful. I especially love that they have all of the Coffman commentaries – both Old and New Testaments.

What do you use?

There are many other great sites and tools available. Please share below if you have one that you think might bless others.


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