Lonnie's Notes

Seven Words

They say that life is funny, but I’m here to tell you that it is only funny looking back.

At least that is true when I think about my first experience at an auction.

The first auction I ever attended was in Chandler, Oklahoma. My good friend JB heard about it and took me. The first one was fun to watch, but I went home and looked at our old, tiny refrigerator and realized I could buy one at a great discount by getting it at auction. The next week I got to the auction early and waited for an interesting refrigerator to come to the front. Continue reading

ski accident

They say that life is funny, but I’m here to tell you that it is only funny looking back.

At least that is true when I think about my first day of skiing.

What’s a beginnings skier doing on a 11,000-foot Colorado mountaintop? I wish you had asked me that before I got to there, but looking back to when I was a brave and foolish 33-year-old, I’m not sure I could have answered that question. Continue reading

Have You Ever Attended the
Funeral of a Sparrow?


Matthew 10:29, 31

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your father’s care…So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

How much for a sparrow?

In Jesus’ day, a sparrow was the cheapest of all the meat and one of the few things a poor person could buy for food. Matthew 10:29 says you could buy two for a penny (farthing). In Luke 12:67, we are told that you can even get a discount if you buy two penny’s worth. The price was two for a penny or five for two pennies. Continue reading