Seven Words

Bibletr1Harvard scholar Karen L. King announced the discovery of the papyrus which causes some people to think that Jesus had a wife! The religious and secular world seems excited about this new discovery. This caused me to wonder what if Jesus did have a wife. Three observations seem in order:

1. It is not a sin if Jesus did have a wife. It would not change anything about His life. He was fully human and fully God.

2. If he were married then the Scriptures tell us nothing about it. The early Christians never mentioned it. The apostles never mentioned it. The Bible does not say He had a wife. We are on very solid ground when we accept the tradition that he was never married.

3. This is not a new announcement. The only thing that is new is that they are claiming that this “old” papyrus might mention it. In the past people have tried to prove that Jesus was married to Mary Madalene. The problem with this teaching is that the scant evidence of it comes from “The Gospel of Mary” and other books written decades after the death of all the disciples. 

Now comes the announcement that a piece of papyrus (think of it as old paper) has been found that may give us a clue. The scrap of paper is no bigger than a business card but the world seems excited. The so-called evidence are faint lines that say,  “Jesus said to them ‘My wife.’” Later it said “She will be able to be my disciple.” When one more closely considers this evidence, it is not really evidence at all. There  is no context for the words so we do not know whether Jesus was quoting someone or claiming something. A text without a context is just a pretext and that is how it is being used. The most important fact is this: This papyrus is at best written 150 years after Christ and perhaps even 300 years after Christ. It is so far removed from the events that it really proves nothing.

What if Jesus had a wife? It is a question that has and needs no answer.

Lonnie David

